Intro to a Journal

Since I was a little kid I have been going hunting. Some of the greatest memories I have involve spending time in the mountains. Whether it be waking up at 4:00am and hiking straight up a steep mountain side on no sleep, or wandering for miles on end in attempt to find a place where no one has ever been, I love it all. So, in attempt to capture some of my experiences I have decided to start this journal. Though I have already had many years of stories and past events leading up to now, I figure I have to start somewhere, and so it begins...The Journal of a Hunter.

Tuesday, August 28, 2012

Round Two

Well the second weekend of the hunt started out almost as exciting as the first.  Glen and dad headed back up to the top of wolf creek, the same area I had had so much luck the week before.  I had to work on Saturday night, and therefore wasn't able to meet up with them until Sunday afternoon.

By the time I pulled in on Sunday and talked to Dad and Glen they had already seen multiple bucks throughout the weekend, and Glen had already had a shot at a nice three point, but just missed a little high at 50 yards.  I continued to walk around and hunt with Glen into the evening and we continued to see many different bucks, but unfortunately couldn't get within shooting range that night.

Glen and Dad were set to head back home that evening, but due to all the deer in the area, and close calls throughout the weekend, they decided to stay another night and try back in the morning.  We headed off to camp and when the next morning rolled around I stayed behind, as I had the next several days off of work and would be camping all week.

Later that afternoon I hiked up to check on my trail cameras, had the usual hundred or so pictures of elk...but as usual, they were nowhere to be found.  I sent a message to Glen to find out if they had had any luck that morning, apparently they had chased around the same few bucks, but once again were not able to get within shooting distance.

I will continue to hunt elk on and off throughout the week, hoping to start hearing some calls as the season moves more into the rut.  Glen will be back up next weekend as well to continue hunting up on top, hopefully we'll both get another opportunity.

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